For our final episode in the series, we’re taking a look at the demise of public rail in Japan and…
This week, we’re talking about the rebirth of Japan’s rail network in the form of Japan National Railways. Some things…
This week, we’re talking about the role of rail in imperial Japan, with a particular focus on the infamous South…
This week, we’re starting off a look at the history of rail in Japan by exploring how this revolutionary technology…
Today, we’re taking a look at a fascinating literary text from 1000 years ago, the Kagero Nikki (most commonly translated…
This week, we’re going to stay in the Sengoku but take a step away from all this samurai action to…
This week, we cover the rest of the lives of Sugen’in, Joko’in, and Yodo-dono (and some other really fascinating incidental…
This week, we’re revisiting some well-trod ground (the final decades of the 1500s and the careers of Nobunaga and Hideyoshi)…
This week, we’re starting off a month of Sengoku-themed content with a look at one of the remoter areas of…
This week, we’re talking about the birth of the idol industry in Japan. What are idols, how are they made…