This week, we’re covering the transformation of the collapsed LTCB into the revived Shinsei (“New Life”) Bank, and the motley cast of American investors and Japanese executives who made this once unthinkable financial future a reality. What led to decades of fiscal tradition being scrapped, and what have the impacts of this choice been?
Tett, Gillian. Saving the Sun: How Wall Street Mavericks Shook up Japan’s Financial World and Made Billions
Espig, Peter. “The Demise of a Banking Dinosaur: Long-Term Credit Bank.” Chazen Web Journal of International Business, 2003.
Nakamura, Junichi and Shinichi Fukuda. “What Happened to ‘Zombie’ Firms in Japan? Reexamination for the Lost Two Decades.” Global Journal of Economis 2, No 2 (2013).

I think the Japanese have the right of it in some ways, prioritizing people over profits. It seems like the bubble bursting wasn’t nearly as devastating as the Great Recession, with whole industries collapsing in America.