This week, we’re kicking off a short series on the transformations of 1960s Japan with a look at the unassuming politician who helped shape Japan’s postwar structure: Ikeda Hayato. Who was Ikeda, and how did he get into politics? And how did a man who was once accused of being a callous monster become a beloved everyman of the people?
Kapur, Nick. Japan at the Crossroads: Conflict and Compromise After Anpo
Green, Michael J. Line of Advantage: Japan’s Grand Strategy in the Era of Abe Shinzo.
Watanabe, Hiroaki Richard. The Japanese Economy.
The New York Times obituary of Ikeda after his death in August, 1965.

His wife is a bit… unsightly. I can see why he threw all those geisha parties.
Man, the Japanese press is brutal.