This week: why did the Japanese Socialist Party and the left more generally utterly fail to capitalize on the momentum of the largest protest in Japanese history? We’ll cover everything from party infighting to….well, spoilers, it’s mostly party infighting.
Kapur, Nick. Japan at the Crossroads: Conflict and Compromise After Anpo.
Soukup, James R. “Labor and Politics in Japan: A Study of Interest-Group Attitudes and Activities.” The Journal of Politics 22, No 2 (May, 1960).
Garon, Sheldon, and Mike Mochizuki. “Negotiating Social Contracts.” From Postwar Japan as History, ed. Andrew Gordon.

Ah, the great pastime of leftist movements: factional infighting. Every single time. We even see it today in America. Some leftists are more concerned with ideological purity than getting anything done.