Episode 488 – The Nation’s Kitchen, Part 2

Note: due to a numbering error on my end, I recorded this episode as 487. It is actually 488. This has been corrected for episode posts, but I don’t have the time to go re-record the opening of each episode.

This week: how the rise of a powerful religious institution helped draw the attention of one of Japan’s greatest warlords to Osaka, and how the city emerged from the ashes of his collapse to become once again a center of commerce in Japan.


McClain, James L and Wakita Osamu. Osaka: The Merchant’s Capital of Early Modern Japan.

Tsang, Carol Richmond. War and Faith: Ikko Ikki in Late Muromachi Japan. 


Osaka Castle ramparts in 1865, during the final years of the Tokugawa shogunate. Unfortunately, the castle as you see here was destroyed in WWII.
A map of Osaka from the 1660s. The top part is east; the canal network is on the bottom of the image. Osaka castle is the circular area in the center left.
Osaka Castle’s surroundings are now a beautiful park. I have been during cherry blossom season. It is worth it.
An image of Osaka castle’s defenses as arranged under the Toyotomi. From the Osaka Castle Museum.
A painting of the Siege of Osaka Castle in 1615, commissioned by the same Kuroda Nagamasa who spent outrageous sums of money to repair just part of the castle walls.