Mickey Cohen, part 2

Mickey Cohen had friends in high places, from celebrities to televangelists to the LAPD. So what happened when one of the nation’s most notorious mobsters tried to file his taxes as a legitimate hat salesman?

Featured image: Cohen’s 1961 mugshot, taken in Alcatraz. (Image source)

Even after receiving a 5-year sentence, Cohen smiles for the camera in 1951. (Image source)

A cartoon (yes, crime cartoons used to be a thing) showing an attempted hit on Mickey Cohen at his hat shop. (Image source)

It looks like some evidence of Jimmy Vaus’s work remained in Cohen’s mansion after the house was sold, to the confusion of its new owners. (Image source)

Not the most historically significant article on Cohen by any means, but I enjoyed this column by someone who includes complaints about Mickey Cohen and Billy Graham on a long list of grievances along with the price of coffee, the due process of the law, and too many amateur entertainment acts on the weekday radio lineup. (Image source)

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