Sovereign Citizens, part 2

As the internet creates new unmoderated spaces for ideas to spread, the sovereign citizen movement moves on to new audiences and finds a lot of angry divorced dads who don’t want to pay child support.

Content notes: This episode continues our discussions of fascist ideology, racism, and antisemitism from part 1.

Featured image: A man shows off his documents issued by the “Kingdom of Heaven,” which he claims got him out of legal charges because he had given up his state citizenship. (Image source)

A document created by sovereign citizens showing an unusual style of punctuation they believe they can use to distinguish their “real” identity from their “legal” identity. I assume the inclusion of DNA from hair and bodily fluids is part of this distinction showing they are signing as their real bodily selves. (Image source)

An illustration of the “license plates” issued by a sovereign citizen organization. (Image source)

Another illustration of the kinds of license plates issued by the “Moorish National Republic Government.” (Image source)
