This week on the Revised Introduction to Japanese History Footnotes: what was it like to live in the Meiji Era? Join us on a journey through a day in 1900, as we discuss breakfast foods, education, and factory jobs in the “new Japan.”
Jansen, Marius. The Making of Modern Japan.
Hane, Mikiso. Peasants, Rebels, Women, Outcasts: The Underside of Modern Japan
Hunter, Janet. “Japanese Women at Work, 1880-1920”, History Today 43, No 5 (1993)
An overview of the history of education in Japan provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology. It tries to put a better spin on the Meiji system than I did, but in broad strokes it’s a decent overview.
Kayashima, Nobuko. “Chapter 5: Educational Development in Modernization in Japan.” Seven Chapters on Japanese Modernization, JICA-Open University of Japan.