Episode 538 – Japan Rising

This week on the Revised Introduction to Japanese History: how did Ikeda Hayato and the LDP build a system that would redefine postwar Japan? And how did the political opposition utterly fail to rise to the challenge of matching them?


Kapur, Nick. Japan at the Crossroads: Conflict and Compromise After Anpo

Pyle, Kenneth. Japan Rising: The Sources of Japanese Power and Prestige

Jansen, Marius. The Making of Modern Japan

Lu, David. Japan: A Documentary History, Vol II


Divisions between center and left socialists remained through the 1960s. This image is from the JSP’s 1966 leadership election; Eda Saburo is conceding to the left socialist Sasaki Kozo. From Getty Images.
A televised debate from the 1960 general election. Nishio Suehiro is on the left; Ikeda Hayato is in the middle; Eda Saburo is on the right. From Getty Images.
Eda Saburo during his time as party chairman.
Ikeda Hayato in 1962. Note the plastic glasses instead of wire rims.