The law was out to take Emma Goldman down on a range of charges from distributing obscene material to assassination to sedition. But did the woman the papers called the Queen of Anarchy deserve her lengthy rap sheet?
Featured image: Goldman’s mugshot after her 1901 arrest on suspicion of involvement in McKinley’s assassination attempt (he wouldn’t die until several days after this photo was taken). (Image source)
A newspaper from September 10, 1901 makes a very poor prediction. (Image source)
Another paper from the next day, September 11. (Image source)
The next day’s headlines from the same paper, this time with a whole range of accomplices to the assassination. As we’ve said before on this podcast, torture is a great way to get false confessions out of suspects. (Image source)
A political cartoon from September 11, 1901. (Image source)

A newspaper illustration of Goldman, Berkman, and the disorder the article’s writer claims they inspired. (Image source)
A cover of Goldman’s magazine Mother Earth. (Image source)
Not all press coverage of Goldman was deadly serious. This 1916 list of fun facts about famous people is technically true. (Image source)
Even people who agreed with Goldman’s ideas sometimes poked fun at her. I particularly liked this self-aware comic from The Little Review, an avant-garde literary magazine. (Image source)
An advertisement for Goldman’s writing on Russia in 1922. (Image source)