This week, we’re talking about a pair of anchors in a Chinese museum and the tortured path they took to get there. What do the anchors have to do with a “correct” (from the view of the Chinese Communist Party) understanding of history–and how does Japan fit into that story?
Kushner, Barak. “Anchors of History: The Long Shadow of Imperial Japanese Propaganda” in Fanning the Flames: Propaganda in Modern Japan, edited by Kaoru Ueda.
Kushner, Barak. Men to Devils, Devils to Men.
John Dower’s essay on “Throwing Off Asia” for MIT’s Visualizing Cultures program.
The Military Museum of the Chinese People’s Revolution’s entry on the anchors is here.
An excellent ArcGIS story map put together by the Hoover Institution Archives on the anchors.

According to the host of History of China (who is an American expat living in China), if you’re an American and your primary audience is English-speaking Americans, the CCP doesn’t care about what you say.