This week, we round out our look at the hard left in Japan. Militant communist uprisings (if less than 100 people counts as an uprising), electoral maneuvering, recycling policy — this episode has it all.
Er, Lam Peng. “The Japanese Communist Party: Organization and Resilience in the Midst of Adversity.” Pacific Affairs 69, No. 3.
Hyde, Sarah. The Transformation of the Japanese Left.
A Japan Communist Party poster from last year. The center poster says “Stop TPP. The Party that Loves this Country: The Japan Communist Party.” The one on the left says, “Rely on the constitution, change the government.”The Asama Mountain Villa surrounded by police during the siege.Shigenobu Fusako, right, with Okamoto Kozo during their time as Japanese Red Army militants.In 2007, the story of the United Red Army was made into a well-reviewed film. Haven’t had a chance to see it yet, though.Murayama Tomiichi, former Prime Minister and recycling guru.